Considering that impression management relies
Considering that impression management relies

considering that impression management relies

Impression management has been discussed in the literature for several decades. Impression Management and Life Satisfaction Specifically, we test how impression management affects sense of control and loneliness, which in turn influence life satisfaction. 16 We also discuss the underlying mechanism accounting for this effect. To fill this gap, we investigate the effect of impression management on life satisfaction, which serves as a central component of subjective well-being. In some cases, impression management may even backfire and be harmful, such that individuals who aim to be regarded as friendly or capable through impression management turn out to be taken as flatterers or boasters, respectively. 11 – 13 On the other hand, they also have to expend much effort in this process, which may be laborious and stressful. On one hand, individuals who manage their impressions can enjoy and benefit from possessing a positive social image. In particular, it is unclear in the literature how impression management influences life satisfaction. 9, 10 However, these studies do not explore the possible impact of impression management on subjective well-being. Mixed evidence has been found that both benefits and risks can be brought by impression management. Recent research has delved into the behavioral consequences of impression management. 6, 7 Similarly, self-monitoring reflects social appropriateness-directed self-observation, hence it is positively related with impression management. It is believed that one’s public self-consciousness, which is defined as a person’s awareness of the presence of an audience, boosts impression management motive. 5 Another stream of research identifies the antecedents of impression management.

considering that impression management relies

The importance of impression management is well documented in different research areas, such as interpersonal relationships, 3 conformity, 4 and job performance appraisal. 1, 2Ī body of literature has focused on impression management, given its important role in social life. Therefore, some people pay particularly strong attention to maintain a positive public image in order to avoid negative evaluations against them. 1 The impression that one gives to other people plays a pivotal role in determining how they are perceived and evaluated by others. Impression management is the process by which people manage the impressions that others form of them.

Considering that impression management relies